“I wouldn't have the relationship I have now without Annie!! 

Today I can set boundaries and am not in fear of anything! I'm also not scared to voice my opinions and my new husband is great! When I'm upset he actually says "sit here next to me, let's talk." 

What a difference I have in relationships now! Annie was the first person in fifteen years who was able to help me manage anxiety, find my self worth, and attract a truly loving relationship. 

Couldn't have done this without you, Dr. Annie B!"
-Dawn, Texas

You are valuable. You are powerful. You are loved.

Personal Coaching with me means transforming the mental blocks and behavior patterns that keep you from being complete, fulfilled and abundant. During every session, I will listen to you attentively, hold space for your emotions, and help you clarify your goals and dreams and make progress toward them.

All are welcome and honored here.

Some people come to see me to build communication skills, strengthen relationships, reduce overwhelm, or develop a positive sense of self. Others meet with me to heal long-standing emotional pain or the debilitating effects of trauma*. All topics, emotions, and challenges are okay.

"Annie was the first person in fifteen years who was able to help me manage anxiety, find my self worth, and attract a truly loving relationship." ~ Dawn, Texas

Request Your Free Introductory Session

What makes personal coaching with Dr. Annie special?

  • Complete acceptance and honoring  of each client, holding the perspectives, "You are enough, just as you are"
    and, "You are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole."
  • Specialized training in trauma recovery, spiritual healing, and energetic release
  • Insights and empathy from Dr. Annie's personal healing journey, including losing two husbands to cancer
    before she was 49 years old, recovering from profound grief, and opening up to new love
  • Integration of lessons from Dr. Annie's award-winning book, The Secret Life of Communication
  • More than 18 years and 2,000 hours of personal transformation coaching with clients ranging in age from 18 to 76
  • Hundreds of hours of ICF-accredited coach training and certification


*I am a Certified Professional Co-ActiveTM Coach and have completed multiple trainings in Somatic ExperiencingTM. I continually refine my knowledge and skills with additional training, and I continually progress along my own journey of personal healing and growth . As a professional coach I strictly adhere to the International Coach Federation's Code of Ethics .

  • "

    I have never felt more confident, inspired, and calm-minded to tackle my life’s obstacles.  I’ve learned to ask myself key questions to help navigate to the source of my struggles.  Even better, our sessions have given me MANY “aha” moments of self realizaiton. Thank you for all that you have done! 

    Mary, Colorado

  • "

    I think Annie’s approach to coaching and teaching is impeccable! She is kind, genuine and so insightful – I truly appreciate her partnership.

    Amanda, Colorado

  • "

    I have been struggling at work and your coaching gave me a renewed sense of faith in many things...I appreciate the time with you more than anyone would know.

    Tina, Montana

  • "

    Without the coaching with Dr. Annie I don’t think I could have learned what I have, much less begun implementing actual change at this pace.

    Spencer, Colorado

  • "

    I am doing so well because of your coaching. You have a gift , I wish I could tell everyone about how wonderful you are.

    Karon, Montana

  • "

    One of the best things to happen in my life is Dr. Annie.

    Tara, Montana

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